3 Land Surveying Mistakes That Property Buyers Must Avoid

When you want to buy a piece of land or develop an already existing lot, it is critical to conduct a land survey first. Due to the complicated nature of a land survey process, it is easy to make a mistake, which can have severe ramifications to the sale, purchase or construction of a property. Therefore, it is crucial to avoid common land surveying mistakes that some property buyers make.

Ignoring Boundary Survey 

A lot of useful information can be derived from a land survey report. For instance, it helps surveyors to calculate the degree of elevation of a property and whether the land is prone to flooding or not. The data is crucial since it protects a prospective buyer from an unfavourable deal. However, most clients focus too much on the elevation and easement of property and forget about property lines. Such errors of omission can gravely affect future developments on a piece of land. Most importantly, you should know the position of a property's current boundaries before you buy or begin construction on a piece of land. It saves you from future conflict, especially after you have fenced and developed a property.

Using Outdated Maps 

The custodians of land survey maps are a property owner and a lands office. However, most potential buyers only rely on a property owner's plan as a reference point, regardless of how old it is. While nothing might have changed over the years, it is not a good idea to rely on outdated survey maps for current survey work. It can be attributed to the fact that local land statutes and ordinances are always changing. Therefore, ensure that a land survey is based on current laws by using the latest map from a lands office.

Hurrying a Land Survey Process 

As indicated earlier, land surveying is a detailed exercise that requires utmost diligence and patience. However, many clients do not appreciate this because they do not know what the process entails. Therefore, some property buyers insist on speeding up a survey exercise without considering the repercussions. A professional land surveyor will inform you about the various complexities that might cause possible delays, and you should listen to them. For example, a property with accessibility issues can prolong a survey process significantly. Therefore, you must cooperate with a land surveyor since their expert opinion can go a long way in alleviating your fears and frustrations concerning delays.

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Construction Contractors: Dealing with Problems

Hello, there! My name is Debbie Jones. Welcome to my new blog which is all about the problems you can face if you own a property. Last year, I moved into a place in Sydney, Australia and almost immediately started having problems. The electrical system began to fail and I didn't know why. I called in an electrical contractor who examined the wiring and discovered that there was a leak in my roof which was allowing water to drip onto a fuse box. I called in a roofing contractor who advised that I have the entire roof replaced. I had this work carried out and then had the walls of the property reinforced in order to provent further problems.


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